Rod Davis, PA-C, at Pacific Liposculpture in San Diego, California specializes in performing body contouring procedures under local anesthesia.
The chin, neck, and jowls liposuction procedure is a quick and safer way of getting rid of your double chin and creating a smoother and more defined jaw line. This can truly make the world of difference for your face and you won't have to bother with painful injections or other artificial enhancers.
With our advanced technology, this procedure usually takes less than 60 minutes to complete and results can be seen immediately following your procedure.
Pacific Liposculpture is currently offering the chin & neck liposculpture procedure for an all-inclusive price of $1,295. Book your procedure this summer and let your family and friends marvel at your improved appearance without knowing you had any work done!
"I would never even consider going anywhere else. Rod Davis is the best in the world of lipo. I first saw him for removal of my double chin--the results were amazing! The same weekend, I got a perm, and when I returned to work, some of my co-workers did not even recognize me!"
-Nancy H. from San Diego, CA